Friday, August 21, 2020

How Effective Is Lipstick Pepper Spray For Self Defense?

The world is becoming dangerous with each passing day. It is threatening for everyone, especially ladies. It is also necessary for ladies to step out and perform their duties in this unsafe environment. But now, ladies do not have to worry or feel unsafe again as lipstick pepper spray is here to save you from any crucial situation. 

If any person is making you feel uncomfortable by his heinous acts or trying to make you afraid or attacking you, silently take out your pepper spray and defend yourself most easily. After spraying, you will get enough time to escape from the location.

To know more about this defensive weapon in detail, continue reading the article.

What Is Pepper Spray?

Pepper spray is an aerosol that contains capsaicin, an ingredient that is present in black peppers. It is a skin irritant to humans and animals. Moreover, it can cause severe burning on contact with the skin. 

This spray is used mainly for self-defense purposes, but the police-issue sprays are extremely powerful. They are particularly designed to counter riots.

The delivery techniques of this spray come in three forms; it can be released as a mist, fog, or steam. Hence, the range of this spray varies from 10 feet up to 30 feet.

Types Of Pepper Spray

At present, there are many types of pepper sprays available in the market. Usually, they are not very expensive.

Each spray has its property of transportation. Some are exposed while others are concealed. Few types are given below:

1. Keychain:

Keychain sprays are popular types as they can be easily hung with your bag or pocket. So, they are easily accessible. 

2. Lipstick:

Lipstick pepper spray just looks like a real lipstick. You can keep yourself safe and alert without even drawing attention.

3. Bracelet:

Pepper spray in bracelet form can be worn easily around your wrist. As you can wear it, this will save time it would take to find it stored in your purse, in case of any emergency.

4. Pen:

It looks like an ordinary pen. However, this spray provides alert self-defense and a UV marking dye to help identify the attacker. 

What Is Lipstick Pepper Spray?

The lipstick spray is a type of pepper spray specifically designed for women. It contains a powerful spray formula packed inside a general looking lipstick container.

This spray has a powerful self-defense pepper delivery mechanism. It can spray up to 6-8 feet. It is no doubt the easiest and delicate way to carry the right self-defense tool you need in an emergency to protect yourself. 

Characteristics Of Lipstick Pepper Spray

· This spray looks like a normal shaped lipstick or perfume container.

· It can spray 6-8 feet with a precise stream.

· This spray contains UV Identifying Dye that helps with police identification.

· The natural organic ingredient is non-toxic, non-flammable, and environmentally safe.

·  It provides you with the element of surprise against the attacker.

· It enables you to defend yourself while keeping yourself at a safe distance from an attacker.

· A lipstick pepper spray will easily bring an attacker to his knees. Only a single stream can cause temporary blindness, choking, coughing, and nausea.

· Its effects last 20-30 minutes and cause no permanent damage.

The Most Effective Self-Defense Tool

Lipstick pepper spray is a handy and effective tool for self-defense. Like any other weapon, it's essential to use it with its safety and understand valid laws. 

You never know when you will be in a position that you need to have to defend yourself against the attacker to ensure your safety. This spray is a useful self-defense weapon. 

This spray is beneficial especially for women as it is in the form of lipstick so you can carry it easily in your purse without letting anyone know.

Some Tips For Using Lipstick Pepper Spray

There are some useful tips for using lipstick spray are listed below:

·  Always use downwind. Don't allow the attacker to get within arms' reach. Keep them at a safe distance.

· Once you spray the attacker, immediately turn and run, and don't look back until you are away from the danger. 

· Make use of the spray in the face area such as eyes, nose, and mouth.

· If you get the spray in your eyes, wash your eyes with milk or sour cream. 


Lipstick pepper spray is a convenient and affordable self-defense tool. So, give your safety an extra layer of protection with this unique spray.

No doubt, it is a surprise weapon that keeps you protected from getting hurt or injured. You must have one all the time in your purse. 

Nevertheless, if you don’t have it but want to buy it, go to a top-rated dealer online and order a good quality pepper spray for yourself.

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Friday, July 10, 2020

5 Interesting Ways to Use Brass Knuckles

 brass knuckles
Brass knuckles are beautiful tools made of brass. These are not designed to be used for one specific purpose. There are some interesting ways to use these knuckles in a routine. 

Generally, there are three types of knuckles, including brass knuckles, metal knuckles and aluminium knuckles. Among these, the ones made of brass are the strongest. 

This is why they are pretty common and frequently used. Do you have these knuckles? Why not get a nice pair of brass knuckles? Why? There are some interesting ways you can use them, as discussed below:

1. Belt Buckle

You can use a brass knuckle as your belt buckle. There is often a buckle pin or a knob on the knuckle that allows you to attach it to your belt. You may have any belt, just replace the original buckle with this gorgeous one. You will make a fashion statement. 

2. Fight the Bullies

If you have any bullies teasing you on your way. No need to be afraid of them anymore. Teach them a lesson by using your brass knuckles. 

Wear them and when a bully comes, just deliver a punch in his face with the knuckles. That is enough to get rid of the bully. 

3. Vehicle Beautification

You can also use these knuckles to beautify your vehicles. For instance, you can replace the original door handles of your car with the knuckles. Also, you can attach it to your rear view mirror and steering wheel just to make it look unique and beautiful. 

4. Punching Practice

If you are a boxer and want to practice your punches, practice using knuckles. This will help you know the position of your knuckles and know how good your punches are. You can take a heavy bag and start punching it using your knuckles. A nice way to practice by the way! 

5. Battle the Attackers

With the brass knuckles, you can also battle the attackers. It is actually a very useful self defense weapon. Made of brass, it possesses serious strength that it can beat the hell out of the attackers. So, wear it and hence no need to additionally carry it for self defense.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

5 Reasons to Use Nunchucks for Self Defense

Nunchucks have been adopted as self defense weapons by the people. There are many reasons they prefer using this lethal weapon. We are explaining its self defense benefits. Also called a nunchaku, it is an Okinawan weapon. 

It was earlier used as an agricultural tool by the Chinese. They used it to reap different crops such as rice and wheat. 

Basically, it consists of two wooden sticks that are connected with a chain, rope or cord. You can use it as your self defense weapon, and following are the reasons why:

1. The Extra Reach

Most self defense weapons available in the market lack reach and are not ideal. Nunchucks offer that extra reach and keep you at some distance from the attacker. You can stay at a safe distance and still swing the chucks to cause severe injuries to the attacker.

2. The Lethality

There are two types of nunchucks, wooden and steel. Both these types of chucks are very powerful. The reason why you should use any of these for self defense is because it is lethal. The lethality of this weapon makes it a perfect weapon to use against the attackers. 

3. The Ease of Use

Nunchaku is very easy to use and can be extremely useful too. You don’t need much training to learn how to use it. You can watch Bruce Lee’s movies to learn how to swing it. Anyways, it is pretty simple. You can just swing it hard to hit and injure the attacker.

4. The Ease of Carry

Another self defense benefit of nunchucks is the ease of carry. You can carry it pretty easily by just holding it in one of your hands. It can be rolled to reduce the size. The wooden sticks are small and there is a long rope. The rope can be wrapped to reduce the size and make it easy to carry. 

5. The Most Effective Weapon for Self Defense

Nunchaku is the most effective weapon for self defense. It offers a lot of benefits in a self defense situation. It is lethal, easy to carry, easy to use and extremely effective to be used against the attackers!

Read Also: 5 Uses of Brass Knuckles You Probably Never Knew

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Quick History of Nunchucks - Facts You Must Know

Nunchucks or nunchaku are wooden tools or weapons originating from Okinawa. There is a magnificent history behind that weapon. We are revealing some facts you need to know. Also called nunchaku, it contains two wooden sticks connected via a chain. 

Nunchucks are popular weapons these days used for self defense. Very few people know the history behind the weapon. Many users even don’t know where this weapon came from.

There are many historical aspects associated with this weapon. I have come up with an explanation of the history of nunchucks. Here are some facts you need to know about the nunchaku:

Nunchucks Used for Agricultural Work

During the 10th century, nunchucks were used as agricultural tools. They were designed in a way that reaping crops was a very easy task with it. The farmers could quickly and easily cut crops like wheat, rice and soy. So, it was a great agricultural tool in the beginning. 

Nunchucks Used for Warfare

Nunchucks have been used in some historic warfares. First of all, it was used during the war between Chinese and the Mongols. The Chinese used nunchaku and defeated the Mongols. They earlier lost the battle against them and came back with nunchucks as their primary fighting weapons and tasted a victory! 

Nunchucks As Martial Arts Weapons

Nunchucks became popular martial arts weapons soon after that battle between the Mongols and Chinese. Martial arts schools started teaching fighting techniques with the weapon and the martial artists started learning and practicing those fighting and defensive techniques. 

Nunchucks in the Movies

Nunchucks have been used in many movies. During the 1970s and 1980s, Bruce Lee made many movies and with most of them involving nunchaku fighting scenes. 

Dynamite and Enter the Dragon are among a few examples. These popular movies involved the use of these unique fighting weapons. Also, Bruce Lee proved himself as the best user of this weapon. 

Nunchucks Today

Today, nunchucks are extremely popular. They often appear on TV shows and in movies. Also, they are used for self defense against the attackers. It is a lethal weapon and offers a longer reach and hence this is why it is preferred against the attackers as a weapon for self defense!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Top 5 Ways Nunchucks Serve the Users

Nunchucks are martial arts weapons with a lot of history behind. These are used in several different ways nowadays. They originated in Okinawa and were originally agricultural tools. 

Generally, there are two wooden sticks connected via a chain or rope or sometimes a chord. These were recognized as brutal weapons when a Chinese emperor discovered the brutal side of the weapon. 

It was used as the main fighting weapon by the Chinese in a historic war against the Mongols. If you love this weapon in 2020, get one right now because there are many ways nunchucks can serve the users. 

1. Martial Arts

Martial artists would love the weapon. They can train themselves with the nunchucks. They can learn and practice attacking and defensive skills with the weapon. 

There are many martial arts schools that teach these skills to martial artists. These schools exist in Japan, China and the US. So, you can join these schools to learn how to fight with the nunchaku. 

2. Self Defense

Nunchaku is a magnificent weapon for self defense. It consists of two wooden sticks that can cause severe injuries if used with full force. So, you need to swing them as hard as you can to injure the attacker with the wooden sticks. With extended reach it offers, it is an ideal self defense weapon. 

3. Cosplay

The nunchucks are also great cosplay weapons. Those roleplayers who love playing roles of the ancient Chinese can use them as their weapons. They can serve as costumes for the ancient warriors and for Bruce Lee who is known to be the best user of this weapon. 

4. Decor

If you are a fan of Bruce Lee, you can keep this weapon as a decor item to determine your love for him. You can place them at the desk of your office or home. They would beautify your houses and offices. 

5. Movies & Production

If you want to make some movies or YouTube videos, here is an idea. Replicate Bruce Lee by using nunchucks like he used to do. In the 1970s and 1980s, many movies were made where Lee used this weapon to beat the hell out of his enemies. So, it is a weapon used for movies and production as well. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Benefits of Stun Guns for Self Defense for Women

Are you searching for the weapons that can assist you with shielding yourself from people with malignant intentions?If you're not into hand to hand fighting or don't have the opportunity to rehearse, a pure self defense weapon will enable you to better. 

Frequently, these weapons incorporate stun guns, pepper showers, or even ad ribbed weapons. At regular intervals, an American woman encounters rape. Out of each 6 American ladies, only one is a survivor of assault, while 1 out of 10 assault casualties is male. 

Likewise, most of rape casualties are younger women. Such measurements speak to a reality that we as a whole should confront. In spite of the fact that the instances of rape and sexual savagery have increased. 

This is the reason it's imperative for women to try defensive methods. Today, we'll talk about the advantages for women to use stun guns. 

1. Non Lethal 

With a stun gun available is useful when you end up in dim back streets or secluded zones. One of the best security tips for when you're strolling alone is to convey a defensive weapon. Apart from other smart weapons, stun guns are easily the best apparatuses when it comes to self-defense. 

Stun guns are basically non-lethal weapons and regularly just handicap  the attackers. Such smart weapons ought to be optional and are the most effective defensive measures: watchfulness and mindfulness. 

Stun guns don't hurt individuals like different guns do. And keeping in mind that some stun guns usually have a very high voltage, many don't cause harm in the long haul. The purpose behind this is a result of the low amperage of a stun gun. 

2. Effective 

Stun guns are generally too effective. They may not cause lethal injuries but they do cause enough damage to serve your survival. They can deliver a very powerful electrical shock to immobilize the attacker. As a result, the attacker does not get the power to stand on his feet. Meanwhile, you can run and save yourself.

3. Disguised Weapon 

Stun gun is a weapon that comes in all sizes and shapes. It comes in a variety that is very impressive. You will find the ones designed like lipsticks, cell phones and flashlights. 

In all these designs, one thing is common, they are not able to be detected. No one can identify the weapons.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

What are Brass Knuckles Used for?

Brass knuckles are small tools, weapons, accessories to whatever you call them. However, they are popular as weapons in particular. 

They are used for several different purposes. Today, I am here to explain how they are used. Following are some of the common used of brass knuckles these days:

Self Defense

Brass knuckles are ideal self defense weapons. Because they are made of brass, they are perfect for battling the attackers, thanks to the power of brass. 

A single punch with them can cause serious injuries. However, you have to target the face of the attacker. A popular variation of this weapon called brass knuckle knife is even more lethal for self defense. 


Brass knuckles are beautiful accessories that can be worn around the knuckles just for fashion. They give a badass look to the wearer. 

In addition, they can be used as belt buckles. A few pieces come with a knob or buckle pin. These pins allow you to attach the knuckles to your belts.


Paperweight refers to anything that can be placed on the papers to control them. Brass knuckles can be beautiful paperweights to be placed on the papers placed on your desk at the office. They can control your papers and prevent them from flying away. 

Opening Bottles and Cans

Brass knuckle bottle openers are special pieces of knuckles. They feature bottle openers that allow you to open bottles and canned objects pretty easily. 

If you often need to open bottles and cans, you must use these types of knuckles. All knuckles don’t necessarily include a bottle opener. 

Vehicle Beautification

You can also use brass knuckles for beautifying your vehicles. These are gorgeous accessories that you can attach to your vehicles and make them look cool. 

For instance, you can replace the original door handles with knuckles. Also, you can attach them to your steering wheels to beautify them.

Read Also: What are the Incredible Stories Behind Nunchucks?