Wednesday, July 1, 2020

5 Reasons to Use Nunchucks for Self Defense

Nunchucks have been adopted as self defense weapons by the people. There are many reasons they prefer using this lethal weapon. We are explaining its self defense benefits. Also called a nunchaku, it is an Okinawan weapon. 

It was earlier used as an agricultural tool by the Chinese. They used it to reap different crops such as rice and wheat. 

Basically, it consists of two wooden sticks that are connected with a chain, rope or cord. You can use it as your self defense weapon, and following are the reasons why:

1. The Extra Reach

Most self defense weapons available in the market lack reach and are not ideal. Nunchucks offer that extra reach and keep you at some distance from the attacker. You can stay at a safe distance and still swing the chucks to cause severe injuries to the attacker.

2. The Lethality

There are two types of nunchucks, wooden and steel. Both these types of chucks are very powerful. The reason why you should use any of these for self defense is because it is lethal. The lethality of this weapon makes it a perfect weapon to use against the attackers. 

3. The Ease of Use

Nunchaku is very easy to use and can be extremely useful too. You don’t need much training to learn how to use it. You can watch Bruce Lee’s movies to learn how to swing it. Anyways, it is pretty simple. You can just swing it hard to hit and injure the attacker.

4. The Ease of Carry

Another self defense benefit of nunchucks is the ease of carry. You can carry it pretty easily by just holding it in one of your hands. It can be rolled to reduce the size. The wooden sticks are small and there is a long rope. The rope can be wrapped to reduce the size and make it easy to carry. 

5. The Most Effective Weapon for Self Defense

Nunchaku is the most effective weapon for self defense. It offers a lot of benefits in a self defense situation. It is lethal, easy to carry, easy to use and extremely effective to be used against the attackers!

Read Also: 5 Uses of Brass Knuckles You Probably Never Knew

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