Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Quick History of Nunchucks - Facts You Must Know

Nunchucks or nunchaku are wooden tools or weapons originating from Okinawa. There is a magnificent history behind that weapon. We are revealing some facts you need to know. Also called nunchaku, it contains two wooden sticks connected via a chain. 

Nunchucks are popular weapons these days used for self defense. Very few people know the history behind the weapon. Many users even don’t know where this weapon came from.

There are many historical aspects associated with this weapon. I have come up with an explanation of the history of nunchucks. Here are some facts you need to know about the nunchaku:

Nunchucks Used for Agricultural Work

During the 10th century, nunchucks were used as agricultural tools. They were designed in a way that reaping crops was a very easy task with it. The farmers could quickly and easily cut crops like wheat, rice and soy. So, it was a great agricultural tool in the beginning. 

Nunchucks Used for Warfare

Nunchucks have been used in some historic warfares. First of all, it was used during the war between Chinese and the Mongols. The Chinese used nunchaku and defeated the Mongols. They earlier lost the battle against them and came back with nunchucks as their primary fighting weapons and tasted a victory! 

Nunchucks As Martial Arts Weapons

Nunchucks became popular martial arts weapons soon after that battle between the Mongols and Chinese. Martial arts schools started teaching fighting techniques with the weapon and the martial artists started learning and practicing those fighting and defensive techniques. 

Nunchucks in the Movies

Nunchucks have been used in many movies. During the 1970s and 1980s, Bruce Lee made many movies and with most of them involving nunchaku fighting scenes. 

Dynamite and Enter the Dragon are among a few examples. These popular movies involved the use of these unique fighting weapons. Also, Bruce Lee proved himself as the best user of this weapon. 

Nunchucks Today

Today, nunchucks are extremely popular. They often appear on TV shows and in movies. Also, they are used for self defense against the attackers. It is a lethal weapon and offers a longer reach and hence this is why it is preferred against the attackers as a weapon for self defense!

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